As the largest Māori-owned seafood company, Moana NZ (legally known as Aotearoa Fisheries Ltd) stewards the commercial fisheries assets that Māori regained as part of the Treaty of Waitangi Fisheries Settlement with the Crown, the Government of New Zealand.
Moana NZ engaged Terra Moana Ltd to serve as their sustainability advisors to support implementation of their flagship Sustainability Journey. Our core projects include facilitating a Qualitative and semi-Quantitative Ecosystem Service Review of New Zealand Paua, supporting sustainability certifications and sustainability project coordination.
With Terra Moana and the Auckland Institute of Marine Science, Moana New Zealand completed a review of the health of Whangaroa Harbour using the nature’s contributions to people framework. This has informed Moana establishing an environmental monitoring programme underneath all their oyster farms and which have been significantly modernised along with investment in a major new oyster hatchery.
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Terra Moana Partner, Tony Craig works on the provenance and traceability interface for Moana NZ. Core projects include a review of their fishing fleet and development of consumer-ready products that meets consumer demands for sustainability, traceability and accountability.
Terra Moana is also supporting Moana NZ's Aquaculture division to obtain Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification for their farmed blue abalone operations to build a more premium product for the market.
Moana NZ blue abalone receives NZ first ASC certification in Dec 2016.
Terra Moana ensures that the personnel of Moana NZ and the organisation's Sustainability Champions are always at the forefront of sustainability. One of our first areas of work with Moana NZ was to kick start their relationship with WWF NZ - a very unique partnership of conservation and business.
Moana NZ announced NZ’s first conservation/fishing partnership with WWF and Terra Moana gets a mention too for helping to start this relationship.
Moana NZ has also committed to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 14.
More than 60 Moana NZ contracted commercial fishers have now taken part in this programme to ensure the future of New Zealand’s fisheries is at the centre of what they do. The Responsible Fisheries Awareness Programme, one of Moana New Zealand’s key sustainability projects, aims to help develop its contract fishers by ensuring they have the most up to date training and access to industry experts on a range of relevant topics.
The fishers invested two full days in the programme which focussed on New Zealand Fisheries management, health and safety, compliance, and having a holistic, future focussed approach to New Zealand’s fisheries.
Terra Moana helps Moana NZ manage their sustainability journey including Sustainability Champion team meetings, research and initiative implementation.
Moana New Zealand is using the International Integrated Reporting Council framework for it's annual corporate reports. Terra Moana supports the integration of the sustainability journey into this as well as the underpinning tools of materiality analysis and ecosystem services.
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112-115 Customhouse Quay
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PO Box 2444
Wellington 6140
New Zealand