Katherine Short was part of The Future of Fisheries panel at the Environmental Defence Society conference. It was a fun and productive session about coastal fisheries, marine protected areas, recreational fishing, and Māori perspectives. For the full video of the panel session - click
here, for Katherine's full transcript - click
Terra Moana was hired by the MSC to moderate the dialogue, with Katherine as the moderator and Tony supporting. Through preparation for and participation in the Dialogue, Terra Moana Ltd (Partners Tony Craig and Katherine Short) bring the right industry and ENGO posture and insights to steer the dialogue to be as interactive, engaging and constructive as possible. Terra Moana Ltd also reviewed and as appropriate contributed to the final draft of the Dialogue Report.
Terra Moana partner, Katherine has been invited yearly to present to the students from the Massey University Food and Agribusiness value chain short course. Her section covers the role of ecosystem services and NGO partnerships in complimenting and underpinning modern sustainable business.
Katherine Short presented a webinar for the Marine Ecosystem Services Partnership focusing on people and oceans. The webinar explored a novel approach to integrate analysis of ecosystem services, supply chains and corporate accountability in the seafood industry. For her powerpoint presentation - click here, for the recording - click here.
Katherine Short presented at the Sustainable Business Council Natural Capital Protocol (NCP) Workshop (key note speaker Jason Clay) in Sept 2016. She discussed the work that Moana New Zealand is undertaking as a result of its use of the Ecosystem Service Review (ESR is part of the NCP). Katherine summarised the range of methods available for measuring and valuing (Stage 3) a business' impacts and dependencies, together with risks and opportunities, on natural capital and ecosystem services. For more information - click here.
Partner, Katherine Short is leading Terra Moana's Corporate Reporting portfolio working on the first Integrated Report for Moana New Zealand (previously known as Aotearoa Fisheries Limited) and bringing on board other leading companies to define best practices for corporate reporting in the seafood sector. Click here to find out more.
En route to the Malta SeaWeb Seafood Summit 2016, Katherine presented to the UN FAO Fisheries Department in Rome on Ecosystem Services – complimenting and underpinning modern sustainable business tools.
Due to the relevance of our work on the Moana NZ's Ecosystem Services Review of Paua, Terra Moana was invited to present at the Ministry of Environment Staff Capacity Building Series on Ecosystem Services.
The inclusion of ecosystem services within policy decision making has become increasingly relevant in New Zealand and around the world. Katherine was invited to present our experience on the Moana NZ's Paua ecosystem service review. Click here to view her presentation.
Terra Moana Partner, Katherine Short, led a panel and workshop at the Summit focused on meeting the seafood industry’s information needs for sustainability: science, metrics, financing and communications. The SeaWeb Seafood Summit brings together global representatives and leaders from the seafood industry, conservation community, academia, government, and the media to discuss and find solutions to the issues of sustainable seafood.
Learn more: Katherine's briefing
Terra Moana presented at the Miere Coalition hui in Auckland on the opportunities and added value provenance story that underpin the sustainability journey of premium manuka products. Full presentation (pdf)
Having had a terrific ten years, Partner and Co-Founder Katherine Short has decided to seek new opportunities (from end March 2024). Katherine intends to dive wholeheartedly into marine and coastal systems change and the policy, research and advocacy required alongside the empowerment of all who seek to better care for the ocean.
Katherine understands how those reliant upon natural resources for their livelihoods must be supported to adopt more sustainable practices and approaches this with passion, honesty, creativity and perseverance.
She worked with WWF globally for 17 years to grow healthy and well-managed fisheries gaining significant experience in designing ecosystem-based approaches and growing the uptake of the Marine Stewardship Council. She holds a Masters in Conservation Science (Imperial College London) on natural capital and ecosystem services and is business partner with Tony Craig in Terra Moana Ltd, a sustainability consultancy, including advising Moana New Zealand.
Terra Moana was instrumental in the establishment of On-Board Social Accountability (OSA International) Ltd, a not-for-profit social enterprise that sought to improve social accountability in seafood (2016-2023).
Katherine is a Trustee of Blue Cradle and has also served as an adviser to the Clare and Whakatupu Foundations, on the Moonjelly Academy Science Advisory Committee, and on the Steering Group of Te Ahu o Rehua - the Māori marine science network. She has also served as a WWF New Zealand Emerging Director (2019-20) and co-founded Gecko NZ Trust (1995-2015). She is a trained Regenesis Practitioner, Alumnus of Imperial College London, Victoria University of Wellington, and United World College, completed Te Pūtaketanga (Te Reo Level 4), and an Ovate in the Grove of the Summer Stars.
Katherine has a deep commitment to people healing nature healing people.
Level 3
318 Lambton Quay
Wellington 6011
PO Box 2444
Wellington 6140
New Zealand
Email: office@terramoana.co.nz