Improving Ocean Literacy in Aotearoa New Zealand is a collaborative workshop summary report compiled by Katherine Short, with input from partner organisations. The workshop was delivered at the New Zealand Marine Sciences Society July 2021 conference. It reflects on the value of bringing together experienced practitioners to deepen the conversation about what Ocean Literacy should mean in Aotearoa New Zealand.
There are a range of relevant activities and practitioners in New Zealand working across marine education including the formal education sector, the major marine science challenges (Sustainable Seas, Deep South), and the many civil society initiatives such as the Mauri o te Moana, Mountains to Sea Conservation Trust, the Million Metres Squared programme, the Aquabus, Te Kawa o Tangaroa (Marine Stewardship Council). There are also physically located programmes at the National Aquarium of New Zealand (Napier), International Antarctic Centre (Christchurch), Kelly Tarltons (Auckland), the various Marine Discovery Centres nationally (Goat Island, Island Bay, Milford Sound, Portobello), and innovative programmes such as Te mana o Rangitāhua, a partnership between Ngati Kuri and Auckland Museum. Seaweek is the premier annual festival of marine education and marine engagement activities.
To date, marine education and the language of marine health advocacy has largely been from a western science and conservation perspective. Māori community-based advocacy about concern for the health of the moana has significantly increased in the last decade, with many hapū, whanau and iwi based initiatives to better care for and protect the coast and ocean.
The ocean is a large space with meaning to many different people and cultures. There is an enormous range of views and perspectives about ocean care. Sometimes, unfortunately, there is also misinformation. A significant important economy is based at sea, much of it dependent on a healthy marine environment. Key sectors seek to get their messages across, sometimes successfully, sometimes not.
Because of Te Ao Māori and Te Tiriti o Waitangi in Aotearoa New Zealand, there is great potential to bring the considerable mātauranga Māori o te moana to deepen how marine issues, challenges and innovations are communicated in Aotearoa New Zealand. Certainly, in the work of the organisers and partners to this workshop, and in that of many of the attendees, it was thought that a more coherent approach to communicating our relationship with the ocean would be helpful to reduce confusion, inspire care, love and hope, and help us all to better care for the ocean in our daily lives, work and recreation.
Formally, Ocean literacy (OL) is understanding the ocean's influence on you — and your influence on the ocean (i.e., understanding the many aspects of our relationship with it). The ocean can be complex to understand which led to the ocean literacy principles being developed by UNESCO in an OL Toolkit which notes:
The ocean is a source of food, energy, minerals, increasingly of medications; it regulates the Earth’s climate and hosts the greatest diversity of life and ecosystems, and is a provider of economic, social, and aesthetic services to humankind. Knowing and understanding the ocean’s influence on us, and our influence on the ocean is crucial to living and acting sustainably. This is the essence of ocean literacy.
Formally developing ocean literacy began in the US in 2002 with an education/curriculum focus. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG14 Life under the Water), and more recently the UNESCO Decade of Ocean Science (2021-2030), awareness of needing to improve understanding of the oceans has substantially grown. The internationally agreed Ocean Literacy Principles are:
These principles could be adapted to the New Zealand ocean context with relevant facts and figures. The question is, is that a good starting point? Would that be useful? What would a Te Ao Māori adaptation look like? To address these questions, we held a workshop.
The issues facing the ocean, and therefore us, are significant. To a large degree they are also caused by the broken relationship of many of us with it. Some of the issues include micro and other plastics, sedimentation, marine heat waves, ocean acidification and other climate change challenges, wildlife entanglement, pollution, and unsustainable fishing.
The last twenty-five years has seen a considerable upswing in awareness about these issues, significantly improved knowledge, and many positive initiatives to address them. However, much remains to be done. Critically, we believe that a major plank of any ocean initiative needs to be inspiring connection, care and action. Sharing information and knowledge can bring action, although not done well it can also depress and traumatise, and it is concerning that today ecological grief is a growing phenomenon.
Presentations from NZMSS conference participants:
Having had a terrific ten years, Partner and Co-Founder Katherine Short has decided to seek new opportunities (from end March 2024). Katherine intends to dive wholeheartedly into marine and coastal systems change and the policy, research and advocacy required alongside the empowerment of all who seek to better care for the ocean.
Katherine understands how those reliant upon natural resources for their livelihoods must be supported to adopt more sustainable practices and approaches this with passion, honesty, creativity and perseverance.
She worked with WWF globally for 17 years to grow healthy and well-managed fisheries gaining significant experience in designing ecosystem-based approaches and growing the uptake of the Marine Stewardship Council. She holds a Masters in Conservation Science (Imperial College London) on natural capital and ecosystem services and is business partner with Tony Craig in Terra Moana Ltd, a sustainability consultancy, including advising Moana New Zealand.
Terra Moana was instrumental in the establishment of On-Board Social Accountability (OSA International) Ltd, a not-for-profit social enterprise that sought to improve social accountability in seafood (2016-2023).
Katherine is a Trustee of Blue Cradle and has also served as an adviser to the Clare and Whakatupu Foundations, on the Moonjelly Academy Science Advisory Committee, and on the Steering Group of Te Ahu o Rehua - the Māori marine science network. She has also served as a WWF New Zealand Emerging Director (2019-20) and co-founded Gecko NZ Trust (1995-2015). She is a trained Regenesis Practitioner, Alumnus of Imperial College London, Victoria University of Wellington, and United World College, completed Te Pūtaketanga (Te Reo Level 4), and an Ovate in the Grove of the Summer Stars.
Katherine has a deep commitment to people healing nature healing people.
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